Kraut Sound Studio
Kraut Sound Studio is a small, creative, non profit music project from Germany.
Follow me on my journey through the varieties of electronic music. From experimental sound collages and ambient to EDM, techno and trance.
As a hobby musician, autodidact and synthesizer lover, I try my hand on different styles of electronic music...
In my projects I deal with programming synthesizers, sounddesign, composing and arranging music, mixing and mastering audio tracks, as well as designing websites, video clips and digital image processing.
I hope my free content meets your taste and find application in your creative environment.
If you like to use my content, I would appreciate a mention in your production or a donation on Bandcamp, Pixabay or PaypalMe.
If you have any questions about electronic music production and sound design, you are welcome to contact me @ Kraut Sound Studio.

Electronic Music Production
Mixing und Mastering
Creative Sound Design
Audio Restauration
Professional Recording
Album Cover und Arts Design
Audioworkstation and Recording
- DAW mit Intel Core i7 8700K, 32 GB RAM, SSD
- Genelec 8320 APM Pack + 7350A
- Ableton Live Lite 12
- Presonus Studio One Professional 6
- Presonus Studio Live AR16 USB
- Presonus Studio 192
- 2x Behringer ADA 8200 Ultragain
- Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro, DT 880 Edition
- AKAI MPK mini plus
- Novation Launchpad Pro
- Audio Technica AT-2035
- 2x Shure SM 58
- Soundwear elastische Schutzhauben
- Sony RX 100 MK4
- Tascam DR-05X
- Logitech Streaming Cam
- GoPro Hero 7
- and more…
NI Kontakt Libraries
- Audio Imperia Collection 2: Nucleus, Solo, Photosynthesis, ...
- Cinesamples: Voices of War - Men of the North
- Dark Force Audio: Subversion
- Embertone: Arcane
- Emergence Audio: Cello-, Clarinet-, Double Bass-, Soprano-, Violin-Textures
- Fallout Music Group: Unblown, Unstrung, Restrung
- Native Instruments: Kontakt Factory Library, Ashlight, Pharlight, Straylight, Thrill
- Luftrum: Lunaris 2, Bioscape
- Output: Analog Brass & Winds, Analog Strings, Exhale, Rev, Signal, Substance
- Project Sam: Symphobia 4 Pandora
- Realitone: Nightfall
- Silence+Other Sounds: Maleventum, Omen, Pain Piano, Stringache
- Sonuscore: Action Strikes, Trinity Drums 2, The Orchestra Complete 3, Trailersounds
- VoidandVista: Strands
- Zero-G: Ethera 2, Ethera Gold 2.51, Atlantis 1+3, Prometheus, Sahara Voices
- and more...
Effects, Mixing and Mastering Plugins
- 112db Plugin Pack
- Aberrant dsp SketchCassette2
- Antares Autotune FX+
- Arturia FX Collection 4
- Audiodamage Replicant 2
- BABYAudio Spaced Out, Parallel Aggressor
- Black Rooster Audio Bundle
- Cableguys Shaper Box 3 Bundle
- Celemony Melodyne Editor 5
- D16 Group Godfazer, Syntorus 2
- Denise Audio Plugins
- Digitech Studio Quad v2
- Eventide Blackhole, UltraTap, H910 Harmonizer 2, Instant Flanger & Phaser, Octavox
- Fabfilter Total Bundle
- Focusrite FAST Bundle
- Illformed Glitch2
- iZotope Ozone 9 Advanced, Trash 2, Vinyl
- Klanghelm Plugins
- Native Instruments Raum, Replika
- Plugin Alliance Bundle
- Output Movement, Portal, Thermal
- Softube Tape, Harmonics, Modular FX
- SoundID Reference 5
- Soure Audio Nemesis Delay
- Source Audio Ventris Dual Reverb
- Synchro Arts Vocalign Ultra
- U-HE Colour Copy, Presswerk, Satin, Twangström
- WahlhallaDSP Delay, Shimmer, Room, Supermassive
- Waves Plugin Bundle
- Wavesfactory Trackspacer
- Xenakios PaulXStretch
- Youlean Loudness Meter
- and more…
Synthesizer and Instruments
- Access Virus A
- 2x Arturia Rackbrute 6U
- Behringer Neutron
- Behringer Model D
- Behringer TD-3
- Behringer TR-6
- Cre8audio NiftyCase
- Dreadbox Typhon
- Elektron Analog Rytm mkII
- EMU Orbit 9090
- Eowave Quadrantid Swarm
- Kawai K5000 S
- Korg Minilogue XD
- Korg NTS-1
- Korg NTS-2
- Korg SQ-1
- Leaf Audio Microphonic Soundbox mk2
- Make Noise 0-Coast
- Moog Subsequent 37
- Neutal Labs Elmyra 2
- Novation Nova Desktop
- Novation Summit
- Oberheim TEO-5
- PreenFM2 (DIY)
- Twisted Electrons MEGAfm
- Waldorf Iridium
- Arturia V Collection 9, Pigments
- D16 Group Phoscyon 2, Punchbox
- Fxpansion Strobe 2, Cypher 2
- Inertiasoundsystems Granulizer 2
- Korg OPSix, Wavestate
- KV331 SynthMaster 2, Synthmaster One
- LennarDigital Sylenth1
- Modartt Pianoteq 8
- Native Instruments Kontakt 7
- Plugin Alliance Thorn, Oberhausen, Knifonium
- Reveal-Sound Spire
- ROLI Equator 2, Studio Drums, Studio Player
- Softube Modular, Model 82, Model 84
- Surge XT
- Synapse Audio Dune 3, The Legend, Obsession
- Tone2 Icarus 2.5
- Tracktion Dawesome Kult, Myth, Novum, Love
- Ujam VG Amber 2, Carbon, Iron 2, Silk 2, Sparkle 2
- U-HE Diva, Hive 2, Repro, Zerbra, Dark Zebra HZ
- Waldorf Streichfett, Microwave
- Xfer Serum
- and more…